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Nederlands Latine

Friday November 1, 2024: Solemnity of All Saints

At Merkem, Saint Bavo Church at 9:15AM

Ordinary: Kyriale IX (Cum iubilo)

Introit: Gaudeamus... Sanctorum omnium

Kyrie: Kyrie IX

Gloria: Gloria VIII

Alleluia: Alleluia + V. Iustus germinabit

After Gospel: Verbum Domini

Creed: Credo III

General Intercessions: Ubi caritas et amor

Hymn at Offertory: Ubi caritas

Sanctus: Sanctus IX

After consecration: Mysterium fidei

Lord's Prayer: Pater Noster A

Agnus Dei: Agnus Dei IX

Communio: Beati mundo corde

Also consult this programme in Adobe PDF format (51 KB).

Appearances 2024

Sunday February 4, 2024
Feast of the Presentation of the Lord

Sunday March 31, 2024
Solemnity of Easter

Friday May 17, 2024
Devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary

Sunday June 2, 2024
Corpus Christi Sunday

Sunday August 18, 2024
Sunday in Novena to B.V.M.

Thursday October 31, 2024
Mass for the Dead

Friday November 1, 2024
Solemnity of All Saints

Thursday November 14, 2024
Mass for the Dead

Sunday December 8, 2024
Second Sunday of Advent

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