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Salutatio a Conrado Kesteloot, Ph. D., praese Canticae

Ego, Conradus Kesteloot, saluto vos, lectores et hospites carissimi, praeses Canticae, novo situ interretiali

Cantica, choro gregoriano foederationis Houthulst, genito anno domini MIM, pulchritudine orationis cantatae celebrationibus animus solemnis donandus.

Ardens Ioannes Tyberghien, ab initio dirigens, die secunda hebdomadae, tradit et docet rhythmum et melodiam secundum graduale romanum. Cantica, chorus gregorianus non discographicus, promiscuus amplius triginta cantores numerat et crescens.

Invito vos omnes hic audire cantica Canticae missis nuntiatis.


Welcome by Mr. Koen Kesteloot, Ph. D., chairman of Cantica

I, Koen Kesteloot, chairman of Cantica, salute you, readers and visitors of this website

Cantica, the Gregorian choir of the Federation Houthulst, founded in 1999, has the intention of bringing a solemn atmosphere during Mass by the beauty of chanted prayer.

Mr. Johan Tyberghien conducts the choir since its creation. Burning with enthusiasm, on Mondays, he teaches and brings the rhythms and melodies of the Roman Gradual. Cantica, a mixed choir that makes no albums, has more than forty members and continues to grow.

I invite all to come and listen to the chanting of Cantica in the Masses that are here announced.

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