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Nederlands Latine

Sequence Ave Mater

Ave Mater qua natus est orbis Pater, o Maria.
Nato nata, semper grata, illibata, o Maria.
Ave mundi domina, Evae solvens crimina, o Maria.
Ave sidus regium, gignens Dei Filium, o Maria.
Ave caeli regia, plena Dei gratia, o Maria.
Ave porta caelica, tibi laus angelica, o Maria.
Ave Dei thalamus, myrrha, thus et balsamus, o Maria.
Ave sponsa sophiae, nos reformans gratiae, o Maria.
Ave fons justitiae, origo munditiae, cella pudicitiae, o Maria.
Ave virgo virginum, mediatrix hominum, munda culpas criminum, o Maria.
Ave puerpera, lapsos de vipera reduc ad aethera, o Maria.
Candens flos lilii, loca nos ad pii, dexteram Filii, o Maria.

Performed by Cantica:
On Sunday December 10, 2017, Second Sunday of Advent
On Sunday February 4, 2018, Feast of the Presentation of the Lord
On Saturday October 6, 2018, Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary
On Sunday February 10, 2019, Feast of the Presentation of the Lord
On Sunday February 2, 2020, Feast of the Presentation of the Lord
On Sunday June 5, 2022, Solemnity of Pentecost
On Sunday August 21, 2022, Closing of Novena to B.V.M.
On Sunday September 18, 2022, Feast of Saint John the Baptist
On Sunday February 5, 2023, Feast of the Presentation of the Lord
On Sunday August 20, 2023, Sunday in Novena to B.V.M.

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