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Nederlands Latine

Sunday September 26, 2004: Feast of Saint Matthew, Apostle and evangelist

At Houthulst, Saint John the Baptist Church at 9AM

Ordinary: Kyriale XI (Orbis factor) in dominicis per annum

Introit: Mihi autem nimis

Kyrie: Kyrie XI B

Gloria: Gloria XI

Alleluia: Alleluia + V. Beatus vir qui suffert

After Gospel: Verbum Domini

General Intercessions: Dominum deprecemur

Offertory: Gloria et honore

Sanctus: Sanctus XI

After consecration: Mysterium fidei

Lord's Prayer: Pater Noster A

Agnus Dei: Agnus Dei XI

Communio: Amen dico vobis: Quod vos

Dismissal: Ite missa est, alleluia, alleluia

Appearances 2004

Saturday January 31, 2004
Feast of the Presentation of the Lord

Sunday February 29, 2004
Pontifical Vespers and Benediction

Saturday March 20, 2004
Feast of S. Joseph, Spouse of the B.V.M.

Sunday April 11, 2004
Solemnity of Easter

Sunday May 23, 2004
Ascension Mass

Sunday June 27, 2004
Solemnity of the Nativity of Saint John the Baptist

Saturday August 14, 2004
Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Monday August 23, 2004
Closing of Novena to B.V.M.

Sunday September 26, 2004
Feast of Saint Matthew, Apostle and evangelist

Sunday October 31, 2004
Solemnity of All Saints

Sunday December 19, 2004
Fourth Sunday of Advent (Rorate Sunday)

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